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Show Support

There are many ways to show Jason support.

1.  Post and Repost this blog!

2. Donate! 100% of the donations are going towards his defense fund and commissary.  If you are able to donate anything here is the fundraising website where you can do so. Thank you! Donate here! 

3.Send Jason a book! He is all about reading and shares his books too. You can send him a softcover book to his mailing address, or also check out his Amazon wishlist to see what he likes and send him one directly!

*Also, buy used books if possible, save some cash!

4. Write Jason a letter! Find his mailing address here ---> Find it here! 

5.  Support his brother, Jeremy Hammond by visiting FreeJeremy.net.

Any other questions, please email us at jasonhammonddefensecommittee [at] gmail [dot] com

Thanks much!!!!