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Updates on Case

- Jason was indicted in front of a grand jury on August 7th. 

- He had court on August 9th, he got assigned a judge, a new court room [110] and his arraignment is set for August 29th at 9:00 am at the Bridgeview Court House . On that same day a motion will be filed to reduce his bail. Lets cross our fingers that his bail gets reduced! 

-On August 29th Jason plead not guilty. His next court date is October 9th, which will be a status hearing. Also, he's out on bond!!! :) 

-October 2014:  402 conference and Jason was offered 3.5 year plea. 

-November 2014, Jason accepts non-cooperative plea deal of 3.5 years, but asked for some time to get his affairs in order. 

-January 22, 2014 Jason officially accepts plea agreement and begins his sentence.